monthly subscriptions
extra points for extra tasks.
9D's Ether Bank Subscription
Purchase a monthly subscription to receive monthly allotments of Astral Units in the 9D Discord. Astral Units is a utility-based point system for redeeming 9D vouchers from the "Ether Bank" that can be used for various purposes such as:
giveaway entries
donation entries for charity
gifting Astral Units to friends
& discount codes for services and products produced by 9th Density LLC.
*9D's Astral Unit is not a crypto coin, it is solely a point-based utility. However, upon the success of future projects, it may gain the potential to become a tradeable crypto asset*
The allotment of Astral Units is linked to each individual's membership tier/role in the Discord server. 9D Vouchers can be retrieved through "transactions" with the "Ether Bank" following these steps:
Claim a ticket
React with the emoji linked to your preferred selection
The Astral Units will be deducted from your balance
Ether Bank will then send you a "voucher" code (don't worry, we'll archive your codes, in the case that you misplace or forget it, and you can always open a ticket claim in order to retrieve you code.)
Use your codes on applicable 9D offerings via the "galactic-exchange" channel by opening a ticket and selecting how you would like to use your voucher(s).
Each Astral Unit has an approximate worth of $0.015 USDC (wherein 300 Astral Units = $4.50 USDC) and can only be exchanged for 9D vouchers; available in increments of 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, and 3600 Astral Units.
Using this format, individuals with Terran Society Memberships can stack their Astral Units and redeem them in the form of free services and product offerings produced by 9D, just by holding an Astrolienz NFT or purchasing a subscription.
300 Astral Units
100 Astral Units per "ARF" submitted - 3x/month
1,200 Astral Units (per NFT)
400 Astral Units per week (+300 for submitting "ARFs")
2,100 Astral Units
One allotment, once a month
4,200 Astral Units
One allotment, once a month
On-call & Remote Service Subscriptions
Project Management
Remote team leadership
Creative Direction
On-call, creative advisory
Weekly Tarot + Numerology Readings
Written readings, 4x/month
"Perspective Optimization" Coaching
4x Personal Development Consultations (1-hour sessions)
Last updated